Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Awesome book I read recently, I mean like really recently

Hey everyone, here's a blog topic I've been thinking about posting for a while, it's on a pair of totally sweet books I read by the same author. There's a lot to say about them, and I obviously can't say everything. So in order to give a thorough overview this will probably be a two or three part blog posting.

The first book is Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Lives Between Lives, by Michael Newton, Ph.D. Dr. Newton compiled the cases for this book and a second over years and years of notes from patient hypnosis sessions over his career probing and fitting the pieces together.

His technique is simple, anyone can do it! No, not really... He put patients under hypnosis and took them to the super-conscious level of their soul and then regressed them through previous lives to their most recent life and then through the death experience and into the astral/Afterlife realms. Now the amount of information he covers is so staggering please forgive me for rambling and chasing tangents. He covers what happens when people become ghosts. He states that souls can sometimes remain near their body or their loved ones to send them healing energy and thought to help them cope with their passing. Some souls just want to see what happens with their body or are upset with their method of passing and have trouble moving on. In almost all circumstances he says that a soul feels a magnetic pull from far off and that they easily agree to join it and eventually follow it into the astral world (let's just call it that from now on).

From there his subjects usually meet their spirit guide who is a wise human like being that they identify as having been their teacher through many, many, many afterlife periods. The teachers and their methods of teaching are almost as diverse as the personalities of people and it is important to point out that the teachers are never tyrannical, judging, or negative. Speeding up a bit, the teachers always take the souls to meet their soul group usually in a type of building, sometimes in a field, but always in a room where they are free to share their recent life experiences on earth. At this point he points out the dynamics of a soul's own soul group which has many dynamics but basically includes a person's closest family and friends incarnating in different ways and personal relationships over their lifetimes. There is so much that he covers regarding soul groups and dynamics that I might just devote a single post to that, we'll see. Needless to say there is also the topic of soul evolution and the levels he encountered. Every soul he interviewed stated that they are in the process of evolving towards the Source, or god and that eventually they will be free from incarnations on earth.

From the initial soul group meeting a soul might break off to review events from their most recent life, sometimes in a giant library setting by viewing holographic 'life books' as people refer to them. Souls are also accompanied by their guide to a meeting with Elders who are understood t o be ancient high-level teachers that set up a type of board meeting or 'afterlife interview' to help the soul honestly introspect on the important events of their previous life. These Elders interview the person usually in a round chamber while from above them a great beam of love and peace emanates from what the souls simply call 'the source' and not usually god, but definitely a loving type of energy that permeates everything and the Elders and their guides especially.

The souls can then go onto several types of activities that I won't get into right here, maybe another time. Souls stay in the astral world for different amounts of time and are not forced to return to earth but all know that they still need to return. If a soul is reluctant to return their guide encourages them and might use further discussion and forms of persuasion to see that they are stalling and almost every soul comes to the knowing that they must reincarnate if they are to progress and learn. When the soul accepts it is time to reincarnate they enjoy a second 'interview' with their guide and the council of Elders in order to plan their next life. The soul is given different options to choose from based on what they and their guide have discussed and what the Elders know is best for the soul due to their high level of wisdom and previous knowledge of that soul and their journey. When the choice to reincarnate is made the soul descends into the baby in the mother's womb and integrate with the mind of the child.

Okay, that's enough for now. This was a pretty long post and still I only scratched the surface of Dr. Newton's first book. Needless to say it was a fascinating and highly inspiring read and would recommend it to anyone interested in the subject. As a last note I must add that in many instances Dr. Newtons states that a soul's guide would often reject requests for certain knowledge that they deemed to intimate or not for Dr. Newton or the patient to know. This leads to what I feel is the important fact that he is only reporting on a limited portion of the astral world and an imperfect view of it as well. The important underlying truth here is that nobody has the whole ultimate truth especially regarding such a vast metaphysical topic as this and needs to keep an open yet discriminating mind. I believe that there is much much more remains to the astral worlds and beyond than what Dr. Newton describes in his two books which is not hard to accept if someone has done a thorough amount of research into different realms of spirituality and metaphysics.

And.... that is my final thought on the subject for now. If you still doubt that this book is awesome take note that it has 685 5 star reviews on Amazon. Boom!
