Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mini post of just maybe a little significance, okay we'll see how it ends up ;)

Just an update wonderful people out there who maybe didn't want to read this blog but then thought well maybe since he hasn't posted in a while and then were like, well I don't have that much time, but sometimes his posts are funny and interesting in weird ways, so okay what the hay I'll read it and now here you are!

Great, now what I've been up to: 1. Going to school to finish the prerequisites for the Ultrasound program at Bellevue College. Now this isn't really complicated, it just involves about 80 million little steps that have to be done in perfect order so its mainly a test of patience, planning, and organization than anything. Just getting to the point where I could begin volunteering at the UW hospital to satisfy the volunteering requirement took about two months. Good thing I started early! My final quarter is this quarter and after that I send in my application, the application period is between Jan 1 2016 and Feb something 2016 so throw salt or something else over your shoulder for me. Thanks!

Anywho on to #2 the ongoing, unending, ever inspiring and sometimes maddening saga of trying to finish my book The Song of Jonas part 1 and publish it in some form that people can read dog gone it. So, 1 was finished and I started sending out submissions to Agents and in the mean time started part 2. So part 2 was going really good and am now about 90% done on first draft of it and since all agents I sent part 1 to were like "ummmmm we don't know, this sounds kind of weird and since its not accompanied by a perfect platform like a website, blog, or youtube account with already 1 million hits then we aren't interested, sorry," I decided to go back and make part 1 shorter. And I'm in the process of doing that or in other words "making it more like part 2, but also different."

In the mean time since traditional publishing is shying away from weird Young Adult novels that are too long, just like mine I have been thinking about self publishing on Smashwords and Amazon which is pretty cool in some ways and kind of a pain in more obvious ways such as no physical book being available in a real life bookstore. But oh, well maybe e-publishing will be easy and fun, or hard work and a little fun, or who knows.

So, that's my short update, nothing earth shattering here. Stay updated this fall for reviews from yours truly on the new Bond or as I like to say Borne in a Tux, and the Martian, or Saving Astronaut Matt Damon, and Star Wars part who the heck cares, which will have lots of lense flare galore and the usual J.J. Abrams staples that mean it will be pretty predictable, but hopefully good, fingers are crossing at least four times and it hurts.

Okay, Sayonara, later.

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