Sunday, August 31, 2014

Review of TMNT

Hi everyone, I was going to do a review of two science books I've read recently, but I can't find the correct author and title for one of them so that will have to wait.

But instead I will review that movie that no one I knew wanted to see, but I saw anyway, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! And boy was it about what I thought it would be. Nothing surprised me or surpassed expectations in any way. Let's just say its a rental or just skip it if you're on the fence about it.

First off, I loved the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, watched the cartoon, and read the comics. It's been a wildly successful and popular franchise considering Eastman and Laird basically created it as a joke.

But the CGI in the new movie looks good, don't get me wrong, the turtles look great, its just that their design looks creepy. It's the same problem with any movie that relies too much on CGI, the viewer doesn't emotionally relate to something that looks and feels fake, ex. Transformers, Spiderman swinging, etc... That said its no wonder there was an article in the Seattle Times a couple of days ago about how Hollywood has seen the worst box office attendance drop off in thirty years. This reliance on CGI to create un-relatable images is further compounded by the fact that so many movies are now either sequels or reboots; glaring examples are Robocop, Total Recall, Predators, Terminator 4, TMNT, Star Trek, and basically anything new with the word Star Wars attached to it. But there's a logical but flawed reason for remaking all these action movies from the late 70's and 80's=they are fricking, legit classics. That was the Golden Age for action cinema, Hollywood knows this, and they want to recapture it but are just going about it the wrong way unfortunately. It's sad, but I think eventually that things will loosen up in Hollywood and the CGI movement will mature to the point where maybe we can see some more classics that were creative, funny, and daring like Predator, Gremlins, Superman, Alien, and Caddyshack just to name a few.

Anyway, that's my movie rant for this week. Hopefully soon I will change topic and write about those science books I read that really were fascinating.
Until then, later.

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